Newman SimpleABI System+ 400
Newman Automated System for ABI and TBI Testing - 400CL NEN-ABI-ABI-400
  • Newman Automated System for ABI and TBI Testing - 400CL NEN-ABI-ABI-400
  • simpleABI-standalone.jpg
  • ABI-500-Testing.jpg
  • newman-simpleabi-300.jpg
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Newman Automated System for ABI and TBI Testing - 400CL


The simpleABI 400 software from Newman Medical can be installed onto almost any modern PC. The systems diagnosis is made using the gold standard Doppler and simple pulse volume recording (PVR) waveforms. Working directly on a computer virtually eliminates any staff training and puts the exam and report right in front of you, making you ready for both diagnosis and reimbursements!

Each system is EMR ready with both .PDF and .TIFF file options and gives you the ability to customize each report with your practices information and logo! The simpleABI 400 is an improvement over the 300, as it includes the ability to check the Toe Brachial Index (TBI) as part of your exam.

Now includes: The ABI-Q is a 1-2 minute exam performed without a Doppler to quickly diagnose PAD. The ABI-Q exam utilizes PVR waveforms, a well recognized vascular diagnostic tool, in conjunction with software to aid the physician in assessing the presence or absence of PAD. Simply wrap a cuff on both ankles, take a PVR on each ankle, and our proprietary software algorithm provides an assessment of the waveforms. Quick, easy, and effective.

Each system comes complete with:

  • Includes Cuff-Link 4 with 6 button remote for automate TM-8 testing
  • Single level ABI and TBI testing 
  • Doppler with 8MHz 
  • PPG Probe 
  • 5 cuffs (2x10cm & 2x12cm & 1x1.9cm)   
  • Simple ABI reporting software
  • Simple to train office staff 
  • Point and click reporting from the computer to any office printer
  • Automatic Index Calculator
  • Customized Reports with office information and logo
  • 2 year manufacturer warranty
  • 3 hours onsite installation

Newman Medical ABI State Medicare Reimbursement

Reimbursement on ABI systems 5x higher than EKG

  • ABI $93 vs. EKG $16 (national average)
  • If you have an office treadmill, you can bring in additional revenue with
    supervised exercise therapy using CPT code 93668
 Exam Options

Rapid Screen














ABI- Rapid Screen  X     X X X X
Single Level    X X X X X
Toe Exam      X X X X X
 Multi-Level           X X
Exercise Exams             X
Other Options              
 2-Year Warranty X X X X X X X
Made in the USA X X X X X X X
 Roll Stand       X X X X
 Automatic Cuff Selector       X X X X
Carry Bag  X X X        

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